[imp] running on Fedora

Chris Barnes chris-barnes at tamu.edu
Mon Apr 12 10:23:42 PDT 2004

I recently upgraded my linux box from RH8 to Fedora 1 and now Horde/Imp
is doing something wierd.

In the past, when I logged onto Horde, it would take me straight to my
Inbox (or give me the maintence screen).  Now I have to click on the
icon at the bottom of the screen.

Is this a bug, a configuration issue, or what?


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Chris Barnes                                 AOL IM: CNBarnes
chris-barnes at tamu.edu                      Yahoo IM: chrisnbarnes
Computer Systems Manager                         ph: 979-845-7801
Department of Physics                           fax: 979-845-2590
Texas A&M University

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