[imp] Replying to pgp-encrypted messages: no body

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri Apr 16 10:43:16 PDT 2004

Quoting Oliver Kuhl <okuhl at netcologne.de>:

>> I have never figured out a way to do this without adding some 
>> seriously hackish
>> code (and a lot of it) to IMP - and I just looked at it again, and I still
>> can't figure out a way to do this elegantly.  So, for now, I think I 
>> will just
>> put something like "[Encrypted original message]" for the reply text.
> I understand. But that is not really comfortable. As long as I do not
> understand the whole MIME stuff, I am not able to make any suggestion here.

To further clarify the problem (just in case anybody really, really wants to
implement this :) ):

The only location where we have the decrypted MIME data from the PGP message
that has been parsed into its correct pieces is in the MIME_Contents:: object
located in _outputPGPEncrypted() in imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/pgp.php.  It takes a
whole heck of a lot of effort to get to that point.

That function call is so far removed from any kind of composition code (if the
text is displayed on the message page, not only is it so far removed with
respect to how many function calls it takes just to get to that point, but it
is  located in an entirely different page load from where we determine the
reply text (!)) that it would take some major hard-coding of this single case
in the code to be able to resurrect it when determining the reply text.

One potential future solution is to move the code in the IMP pgp MIME_Viewer
that creates the MIME_Message structure out of the encrypted PGP data to a new
location (i.e. Horde_Crypt_pgp::) so that the reply text determination code
could recreate the unencrypted data without seriously distorting the 


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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