[imp] Authentication directly via link

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Apr 18 08:20:43 PDT 2004

Zitat von Jan Tammen <jan at tammen.net>:

> How could I make that distinction between
> a) credentials come via GET -> do compare the password directly as it 
> is already encrypted/hashed.


> b) credentials come via POST -> do the "normal" password-check.


Assuming that you use the latest development code of Horde/IMP.

> Could I use two different pam-configurations, one which uses 
> encrypted passwords, one which uses cleartext passwords? Or would I 
> have to switch to the SQL-Auth driver? But could I then use my 
> already-existing user-database for authentication?

I don't know PAM really well, but isn't it possible to configure stacked
authentication drivers?


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