[imp] Problem using IMAP and SSL

Jeroen Huinink j.huinink at chello.nl
Thu Apr 22 04:42:27 PDT 2004

Hi Everybody,

I searched the mailing list archive and the FAQ but I didn't find a reference to my problem. At work we use the stable versions of Horde and Imp and at home I'm playing around with the CVS version to check out all the wonderfull new things that are coming up.

I run into the following problem: I can not get IMP to connect to my company's IMAP server.

Within Outlook Express I have an IMAP account set-up and fully functional. When I go to the account definition on the advanced tab I see port 993 for IMAP and the SSL box is checked. 

I want to use IMP to connect to the same server. In my IMP config I the server/server_list option is set to 'none' and all the server/change options are true. When I start IMP I get a page where I can enter my server details and my login information. 

I have tried all the options: IMAP; IMAP, no TLS; IMAP over SSL and IMAP over SSL self-signed all on both port 993 and 143. 

With each of these options I get a message that my login fails. I looked into the horde logs, but the only lines I see are [host name changed]:

Apr 22 09:05:34 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to mail.example.com:993[imap/notls] as jeroen [on line 241 of "C:\htdocs\horde\imp\lib\Auth\imp.php"]
Apr 22 09:06:33 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to mail.example.com:143[imap] as jeroen [on line 241 of "C:\htdocs\horde\imp\lib\Auth\imp.php"]
Apr 22 09:10:17 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to mail.example.com:993[imap/ssl] as jeroen [on line 241 of "C:\htdocs\horde\imp\lib\Auth\imp.php"]
Apr 22 09:10:35 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to mail.example.com:993[imap/ssl/novalidate-cert] as jeroen [on line 241 of "C:\htdocs\horde\imp\lib\Auth\imp.php"]

Is there a way to get more info than these error message, e.g. why the login failed: connection refused, wrong port, pwd error, etc. etc?

I'm running Horde and Imp CVS on Windows XP, Apache 2.0.43 and PHP 4.3.5. I'm afraid I overlooked something obvious, for which I apologize.


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