[imp] IMP 4.0 ALPHA comments

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Apr 30 06:41:22 PDT 2004

Zitat von Joaquim Homrighausen <joho at webbplatsen.se>:

> I always try to use English in applications, but I want dates and times
> to be displayed in the format used in Sweden. It seems like the most
> common date format (YYYY-MM-DD) in Sweden is not available when I use
> English as my preferred language in IMP/HORDE.


> On the horde menu, under "Mail and News" I see "Mail Mail" (i.e. "Mail"
> listed twice), what am I doing wrong?

I assume you have no mail icon before that? Then it's the title of that
missing icon, some of you paths are broken in registry.php.

> Folder names with national characters in them (ÅÄÖ, åäö) don't display
> properly in folder listings in IMP. They're displayed as "Dom äner"
> instead of "Domäner". This is using Courier-IMAP 2.2.0.

Works fine here.

> Is there a way to hide certain columns in the message listing? In
> particular, the message number/arrival order seems to be something I'd
> want to hide.

Not an easy one. You'd have to hack the templates.

> Any plans on allowing for icons _and_ text, just icons, and (as it is
> now) just text for the message action bars (delete/message source/etc)?

No, and I think it's far too much overhead.


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