[imp] sendmail returned error code 255??

Cowle, Leon lcowle at lehman.com
Wed May 12 06:52:14 PDT 2004


One of my users got this error today when trying to send mail using IMP. I
searched through the IMP archives, and notice 2 other emails about the same
error, but no resolution. It seems the error is a false alarm (according to
those 2 emails) as the email still gets sent.

One of those emails says the following: 
When I try to send a message it is successfully sent, but it displays this 
message: "There was an error sending your messages: sendmail returned error 
code 255". The driver I use to send mail is "sendmail" (not "smtp"). I have 
inspected the code in PHPHOME/lib/php/Mail/sendmail.php and it receives a 
Return Value of "-1" when executing "pclose()" on the pipe opened on 

Any ideas?


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