[imp] Error Generating PGP Key Pair

Thomas O'Brien thomas at creativebusinessystems.com
Sat May 15 12:08:23 PDT 2004


Using CVS version updated on 05.12.04

I've downloaded and installed GnuPG for Windows on my web server. I first
generated a key pair from the command line. Then exported my public key using:

gpg --armor --output "tmopubkey.txt" --export Thomas O'Brien

When I try to import the key from the IMP interface I get "Invalid Key".

I tried using the interface in IMP to generate as well. However, I receive:

Public/Private keypair not generated successfully. Horde log is set to debug and
all it shows is:

Public/Private keypair not generated successfully. [on line 152 of

Any help is appreciated.


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