[imp] Multiple domains on IMP

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jun 3 11:58:14 PDT 2004

Zitat von Mario Gamito <gamito at netual.pt>:

> Hi,
> I'm running a mail server with about 50 different domains.
> All with the same IP.
> Well, i've instaled horde/imp and i can work just fine with the domain
> that is defined both in Apache and in horde/imp.
> Let's call it domain1.com
> So, i work just fine in http://mail.domain1.com
> But i also want IMP to work fine the same way with http://
> mail.domain2.com, http://mail.domain3.com ... http://mail.domain50.com
> Is the only way setting up 50 Virtual Domains in Apache ?
> There's no workaround in IMP for it ?

Huh? How do you want to reach IMP (or Apache for that matter) under 50
domains if you don't define these domains in Apache?


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