[imp] Strange behaviour when 'forward' a multipart mail with VFS sql (Oracle)

Sebastian Calero Laguia scalero at datadec.es
Tue Jul 13 07:47:32 PDT 2004

Apache 1.3.29, php 4.3.7, Oracle 8.1.7, IMP(head)

When I press 'forward' to a message with this MIME structure:

0. multipart/mixed
   1.- multipart/alternative
       1.1.- text/plain
       1.2.- text/html
   2.- application/pdf
   3.- application/pdf

In the compose window(VFS with SQL driver) appears 3 attachments, 2 pdf's
and one 'application/octet-stream' with 0 bytes(the fisrt), if I change to
VFS file driver only shows the 2 pdf's(OK!).

The multipart/alternative part has "" in '$_contents", the difference is VFS
file driver returns PEAR_Error when function 'writeData' write 0 bytes in
'$data'. On the other hand VFS SQL driver not return errors(appear a warnnig
in apache error_log) and add the 0 bytes part to '_cache[]' in the function
'_storeAttachment' in horde/imp/lib/Compose.php.

Is this a VFS or Compose error? It has sense add a 0 bytes "file" in
SQL/file VFS?

Greetings and thanks.

Sebastian Calero
Datadec Online.

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