[imp] Sean D & Jason Lohrenz - revisiting imp on plesk?

Sean D. mojospam at thegeekclub.net
Thu Jul 15 01:20:02 PDT 2004

brandon at xcodes.net wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> Sorry to email you direct.  I have just joined this mailing list just a
> moment ago and I'm interested in the codes to grab the domain name from
> the url the user put in the browser (i.e. webmail.SOMEDOMAIN.com) and
> then set the "realm" and "maildomain" to somedomain.com.
> Do you mind to send me a copy? 
> Thanks!
> ./Brandon

sure.. i dont mind you emailing me direct put i'm posting this back to the list 
so anyone else who wants it can have it.

i have changed it from the way they do it a little bit (mostly in the other 
files) but this is the chunk of code they use in imp/config/sources.php to set 
the realm and maildomain.

// get hostname from http URL (patch for PSA) mojo wuz here
$headers = getallheaders();
$patterns[0] = "/^webmail\./";
$patterns[1] = "/^www\./";
$patterns[2] = "/^mail\./";
$vdomain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
$vdomain = preg_replace($patterns, '', $vdomain);
$vdomain = strtolower($vdomain);

$servers['imap'] = array(
     'name' => 'IMAP Server',
     'server' => 'localhost',
     'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
     'port' => 143,
     'folders' => 'INBOX.',
     'namespace' => '',
     'maildomain' => $vdomain,
     'smtphost' => 'localhost',
     'realm' => $vdomain,
     'preferred' => ''

although you could probably just as easily use the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] bit 
of code to set the domain.  maybe Jan knows which way is more efficient coding...?

Sean D.

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