[imp] Re: problem with imp authentication.

Dan Brown dan at familybrown.org
Tue Aug 24 09:54:59 PDT 2004

Quoting Jim King <jrk at mipl.jpl.nasa.gov>:

> Aug 22 21:02:08 HORDE [emergency] [] horde-new/imp is not configured in
> the Horde Registry. [on line 67 of
> "/usr/local/lib/php/Horde/Auth/application.php"]

     Is the correct information entered for imp in horde/config/registry.php?

Dan Brown, KE6MKS, dan at familybrown.org
"Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the
more enduring story rather than the story that is less enduring."
  -- The Judgment of St. Colum Cille

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