[imp] Re: Patch for mbox downloads in IMP 3.2.5

Ross Becker ross at rbecker.org
Mon Sep 13 16:46:50 PDT 2004

   I took a look at things, and I'd have to some major hacking to do 
this. Essentially I'd need to add a method to the compression classes 
which would accept a filehandle instead of a string, then (ideally), 
create a new tmpfile, compress into the new file, and eventually return 
the new tmpfile() filehandle.

I think this is actually a good idea anyhow, as anything that's large 
enough to warrant being compressed is probably large enough to warrant 
not being kept in memory.

I wouldn't mind if someone else were to take this on for the compression 
classes, but I may be able to get to it in a reasonable time frame.


Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Ross Becker <ross at rbecker.org>:
>> Chuck,
>>     I took a look at CVS HEAD code, and I downloaded both imp and horde
>> modules tagged head, and I am unable to locate a file "Compress.php",
>> which is referenced in imp/folders.php.  Can you tell me which module
>> this file is located in? It looked like it would have been part of
> framework
>> horde, but "cvs co -r HEAD horde", a find command doesn't locate
>> anything named Compress.php.  I'll finish this for IMP 4.x assuming I
>> can locate the compression module.
>> Cheers
>>    Ross
>> Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>>> Quoting Ross Becker <ross at rbecker.org>:
>>>> I've patched IMP 3.2.5 to use a tmpfile() stream for generating mboxes
>>>> for download- this way they're automatically removed if the PHP process
>>>> goes away for an unexpected reason.  It gets a tmpfile, generates the
>>>> mbox from the folder into that, returns the file handle, then seeks to
>>>> the end and uses ftell() to find the size of the stream, and then does
>>>> 8k blocks to deliver this to the user. This prevents large mail folders
>>>> from blowing up PHP's memory size. I've generated a unified diff of my
>>>> changes- is there any interest in this patch for going into CVS?
>>> It'd be best if it was against CVS HEAD, but it's an interesting 
>>> idea. I've been
>>> looking at Zend Download Server as well; I may write a class for 
>>> wrapping either
>>> this behavior or ZDS.
>>> Btw, any reason you didn't use fpassthru()?
> Jan.
> -- 
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