[imp] mmcache / imp problems?

Jason Lohrenz jlohrenz at pacificmedicaid.com
Tue Sep 14 13:27:34 PDT 2004

Bug with mmcache.  Turn off disk cache..use shm only.

-----Original Message-----
From: imp-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:imp-bounces at lists.horde.org] On
Behalf Of Tom Whiting
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:07 PM
To: imp at lists.horde.org
Subject: [imp] mmcache / imp problems?

Hi guys,
Using the cvs builds of imp, I've been running into a problem with imp/horde
as follows:
Users can login just fine, the mail menu shows that they have mail. When
they click on inbox, mail, whatever,  a blank screen comes up in the main
frame (not the menu frame). I've done what little debugging I can through
the error logs and found this:

[23119] MMCACHE: PHP crashed on opline 121 of imap_fetch_overview() at

This is after just logging in, when horde is told to show mail upon login
Now, I'm not sure what the problem is, maybe someone else has encountered
this issue with the CVS builds of imp or not, or even what this would be
caused by, as I haven't changed anything at all in the code. Line 121 shows:

     * Has the sorting limit been reached? (this is 121 here).
     * @var boolean $_sortLimit
    var $_sortLimit = false;

Any thoughts or ideas on what may be causing this one?

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