[imp] GD picture in IMP (quotabar)

Lord Apollyon implist at paypc.com
Fri Sep 17 03:00:10 PDT 2004

Krystian Filiks <filiks at telesonique.com> wrote:

> Is there any other way to get a dynamic quotabar generated in imp?

I think you're misunderstanding how PHP works.  As Janmeister correctly 
pointed out, your problem is that you're trying to embed a PNG graphic 
within an HTML PHP page.  This is incorrect.

What you need to do is to create a separate PHP file, say, quotabar.php, 
which is referred to like so from within the IMP code:

(where the parametre varies from 0 to 100)

<IMG SRC=/horde/imp/quotabar.php?56 width=width-of-bar height=height-of-bar>

At the risk of really confusing you, there *IS* a newish way to embed 
Base64-encoded text to incorporate image binaries inline within an HTML 
page, but I really don't think you need that functionality.  Only the very 
latest browsers even support it.

Keep it simple stupid (KISS) principle applies.


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