[imp] Help with imaps not connecting

thewade pdman at aproximation.org
Tue Sep 21 14:28:45 PDT 2004

> When you built imap, did you also create links for the libraries and
> include files to be used by php?
Im not sure. How can I check?
i didnt do anything special, I just followed the instructions in build.
./configure;make;cp imapd /usr/sbin;configure xinetd.d/imap(s)

> How did you install php -- build from source or from an rpm?
I had some trouble building from source, so I used the rpm\'s.

> If you used an rpm, does it have support for imap / imaps
(from phpinfo() configure section)
\'--with-imap=shared\' \'--with-imap-ssl\'
(from phpinfo() IMAP section)
IMAP c-Client Version 	2001
SSL Support 	enabled
Kerberos Support 	enabled

> and if so do you also have the prereqs installed?
Everything looks good on the horde/imp/test.php page (except I cannot
connect to imapd). The horde/test.php page complains about me not having:
DOM XML Support: No
MCAL Support: No
Mcrypt Support: No
PostgreSQL Support: No
HTML_Common/HTML_Select - No
Everything else is yes.
I would like mcrypt, but there doesnt seem to be an rpm for that and I
dont know how to build one from a src rpm, and like I said before I had
trouble with building from source. At any rate none of this should affect
imp and imapd, right?

I tried this to test imap(s). Does this mean the telnet-er is
misconfigured or the telnet-ee? Or just that telnet cannot test imapd...
telnet> open gateway 993
Connected to gateway.
Escape character is \'^]\'.
imapd: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Connection closed by foreign host.
[wade at musicbox wade]$ telnet gateway 143
Connected to gateway.
Escape character is \'^]\'.
imapd: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Connection closed by foreign host.

Thanks for the help! Im sure this would work if I used the imap rpm, but that conflicted with the libc-client that I had to install to get the php imap rms installed... Oh what a tangled web redhat/fedora is.

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