[imp] Problems sending messages using IE

Errol Uriel Neal Jr. eneal at dfi-intl.com
Tue Sep 21 17:40:40 PDT 2004

Last week I posted a message to the list about a problem the users I support were experiencing in sending messages that take longer than 15 to 30 seconds to compose when using IE. 
I was able to determine the cause and a fix for the issue which is not horde/imp related, however I felt it just may benefit someone in the future if they encounter the same problem I did.

I am using horde 2.2.5 and imp 3.2.4 running on debian sarge. Webserver is apache2 v2.O.46 and php 4.3.4. We are using SSL.

The problem, as I said above only occured when the user agent was IE. If a user took longer than 30 seconds to compose a message, when they hit the send button, they would receive a “Page cannot be diaplayed” error. The other conditon is that it must be an SSL encrypted connection..
This error is caused by a design quirk that is only exhibited in IE when the SSL protocol  negotiated and chosen is 3.0. The workaround is to either disable SSL v3 in the browser or disable it on the server.

Best regards,

Errol Neal

Errol Uriel Neal Jr. 
Network Administrator
DFI International, Inc.
1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 1300
Washington, DC  20006
Tel (202)452-6955
Fax (202)452-6910
eneal at dfi-intl.com

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