[imp] Dspam Pipe

Lee lee at disinfo.com
Fri Oct 8 12:24:09 PDT 2004

Hey All,
I have imp configured to pipe spam to dspam as follows:

// Should we display a "report this message as spam" link in the
// message view?
$conf['spam']['reporting'] = true;

// If so, where should those messages be reported to?
$conf['spam']['program'] = '/usr/local/bin/dspam --mode=tum --user 
system --class=spam --source=error --stdout';

Unfortunately it doesnt seem to be working. Ive manually run the 
command and on the command line without problem. Ive also confirmed 
that the web server group owns the dspam program. Unfortunately there 
doesnt seem to be any error reporting in the syslog, apache log, or 
horde log about this.

Does anyone have any ideas why this isnt working?


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