[imp] Does a version of Horde support ACL and share folders

Jacques Beaudoin jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
Tue Oct 19 21:30:40 PDT 2004

Hi all

Im now using dbmail-1.2.11 imap server
with horde-2.2.6/imp_3.2.6 they both
use mysql and work great together.

Now there is a new version of dbmail version 2.0 that support
 * ACL (Access Control Lists) support.
 * NAMESPACE support

Is their a version of horde/imp that can take advantage
of the new feature of dbmail_2.0


Bien à vous

Jacques Beaudoin
Agent d'administration
Les services des technologies
de l'information et des communications
Commission scolaire de la Pointe de l'Île
Montréal, Québec, Canada

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