[imp] OpenPGP compatibility?

Eric Sheesley esheesle at bcpl.net
Tue Oct 26 04:32:56 PDT 2004

I suspect you're right.  There is a .dat for each mime section so obviously
it is just naming them that cause it doesn't know what else to do.  It seems
that most programs support inline encryption/sigs but not so many support
mime encoded.  Does this seem like the best directiont to take? 


-----Original Message-----
From: imp-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:imp-bounces at lists.horde.org] On
Behalf Of Michael M Slusarz
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 02:07
To: imp at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [imp] OpenPGP compatibility?

Quoting Eric Sheesley <esheesle at bcpl.net>:

> I am running the cvs version of imp 4.0(from a couple days ago).  
> Working great for the most part but I'm concerned about the pgp 
> compatibility.  I mentioned in a previous post that .dat files were 
> appearing with the encrypted data and signature in.  I got a free 
> hushmail account and decided to give it a test.  Same results as using
standard Outlook with PGP here.
> Hushmail touts being OpenPGP compliant yet it just shows the .dat files.
> Are they just lying or is something not working right?

It sounds like maybe they are OpenPGP complaint but they are not
OpenPGP/MIME compliant (RFC 3156).  I tend to think this is the case since
IMP doesn't attach a .dat file at all, nor does it label any of the parts in
the OpenPGP/MIME message with an .dat extension.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]
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