[imp] spamassassin and blocking lists

Iain Pople ip at brunny.com
Sat Oct 30 21:31:00 PDT 2004


If I send an email from IMP the headers it inserts can cause problems 
with spamassassin and dialup blocking lists.


Received: from CPE-203-45-11-59.vic.bigpond.net.au 
(CPE-203-45-11-59.vic.bigpond.net.au [])
	by webmail.brunny.com (IMP) with HTTP
	for <iain at localhost>; Sun, 24 Oct 2004 10:21:07 +1000

It is inserting a header with the IP address of the computer sending the 
email from IMP. The problem is that often this computer is on a dynamic 
IP or dialup connection so listed in various blocking lists. This 
results in triggering some of the spam assasin rules:

X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.3 tagged_above=-99.0 required=5.5 tests=AWL,

This has caused several legitimate messages to be tagged as spam.

I notice that if i use a SMTP client instead (e.g. thunderbird), the 
headers are slightly different:

Received: from cpe-203-45-11-59.vic.bigpond.net.au ([]) by 
bwmam09.bigpond.com(MAM REL_3_4_2a 138/139363271) with SMTP id 
139363271; Sun, 31 Oct 2004 14:35:01 +1000

This doesn't trigger any spam assassing rules.

Is this a peculiarity of IMP.? Is there some way i can avoid this happening?

thanks, Iain.

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