[imp] Remove the "Empty Trash" button

jdjongh at unet.nl jdjongh at unet.nl
Tue Nov 2 07:32:54 PST 2004


I'm busy with a project to configure horde / imp the way i like it the 
But if i change the option in the prefs.php

==== prefs.php =======

// should we move messages to a trash folder instead of just marking
// them as deleted?
// a value of 0 = no, 1 = yes
$_prefs['use_trash'] = array(
    'value' => 1,
    'locked' => true,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'desc' => _("When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder 
instead of marking them as deleted?")

I don't want the messages to be marked when deleted, but to the trash can 
or deleted.
If i change the option value to 1 that will do.
Except that i nove get an option in the navigation bar. A new button 
called "Empty Trash"

See my screenshot:

How can i remove this button? Is there in imp an extra option i have to 

In the /imp/templates/menu/menu.inc file i could remove it, but i think 
there is an other way?

/* IMP menu items */
_("INBOX"), 'folders/inbox.gif');
if (($imp['base_protocol'] != 'pop3') && $prefs->getValue('use_trash') && 
$prefs->getValue('trash_folder') !== null) {
    Menu::printItem(Horde::applicationUrl('mailbox.php?thismailbox=' . 
urlencode(IMP::preambleString() . $prefs->getValue('trash_folder'))) . 
"&actionID=" . EMPTY_MAILBOX . '&return_url=' . 
urlencode(Horde::selfURL(true)), addslashes(_("Empty Trash")), 
'empty_trash.gif', NULL, NULL, "return window.confirm('" . 
addslashes(_("Are you sure you wish to empty your trash folder?")) . 

Who can help me?

With kinds regards,

J. de Jongh

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