[imp] compose with attachment/s sized 800kb+

kendyl peebles kendylpeebles at clancytheys.com
Tue Nov 2 08:21:20 PST 2004

ok, memory_limit seems to be the controlling factor in this issue...  with it
set to unlimited (-1)  the compose window behaves like it should and not like
the spoiled 3yr old that it was acting like before..
Intention is to limit attachment sizes to ~8mb and have proper notification
instead of just dieing.
the following are my quick and dirty test results...
memory_limit = 8M
~400k attachment - OK
~600k attachment - OK
~800k attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
~900k attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves
normally after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at

memory_limit = 16M
~600k attachment - OK
~800k attachment - OK
~1M   attachment - OK
~1.4M attachment - OK
~1.6M attachment - OK
~1.7M attachment - OK
~1.8M attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
~1.9M   attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves
normally after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at

memory_limit = 24M
1.8M attachment - OK
2M    attachment - OK
2.2M attachment -OK
2.4M attachment - OK
2.6M attachment - OK
2.8M attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
2.9M attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves normally
after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at

memory_limit = 32M
2.8M attachment - OK
3M    attachment - OK
3.4M attachment - OK
3.8M attachnemt - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
3.9M attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves normally
after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at

hmmm  following progression... 8*8=64 should get me ~7.7mb attachment size,
lets add 4 to set above 8M so.... setting memory_limit = 68M

8M attachment - OK

setting post_max_size = 7M, upload_max_filesize = 7M, leaving memory_limit =

hmmm  no notification of exceeding filesize limit... can push all the way up
to 8.2M and the earlier documented symptom manifest...

I can live with that... I think... user gets that issue... smack his hand for
sending attachments that large... <shrug>


Josh Trutwin wrote:

> On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 07:33:25 -0500
> kendyl peebles <kendylpeebles at clancytheys.com> wrote:
> > remove the memory limit?!?  hmmm
> > I'll give a try to upping the memory limit and also see what happens
> > when it is removed altogether...
> I guess if you set memory_limit to -1 that it's unlimitted as well -
> see:
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.sect.resource-limits.php#ini.memory-limit
> Note, your php needs to be built with:
> --enable-memory-limit
> Create a phpinfo.php script if you're not sure if that's the case.
> Josh
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