[imp] application/octet-stream for ms-word

alois blasbichler alois.blasbichler at sb-brixen.it
Thu Nov 11 22:49:31 PST 2004

hello list

We use IMP 3.2.2 with various browsers and with MS-Office or Openoffice.
We dont want to use a word-viewer. 
We have problems with Word-Attachements on some "strange" combinations :

For examplea a PC with Windows XP - MSIExplorer - Openoffice : have problems
with MSWord-attachements (application/msword) but not with Openoffice-docs

Is it possible to define in horde a mimetype for MS-Word-documents that is like
application/octet-stream : so clicking on the attachemnet-link allways its open
a popup-window where i can select to save or open the document (like clicking on
the diskette-symbol)?
or is this only a configuration of my clients ?

thank you

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