[imp] mailboxlist file problems

Tobias Drewry tdrewry at bu.edu
Sun Nov 14 11:01:09 PST 2004


I am having an odd problem with a pre-beta cvs install of horde/imp

IMP is loading the folder list from .mailboxlist even with IMAP subscriptions
turned off.  Due to the nature of our clients(students, staff and faculty) it
is not uncommon for them to use more then one IMAP client software.  Some
require folder subscriptions while other do not.

I've noticed that the newly released beta does not have this issue and I have
started porting all of our customizations over to this version. However I was
curious if the fix was one which I could apply to the older cvs release
(effectively an alpha of the current beta).  We were two days from public
release when this bug surfaced.  And I'd very much like to go live with horde
before the holidays.

Toby Drewry
Office of Information Technology
Boston University
tdrewry at bu.edu

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