[imp] Re: turba-h3-2.0 bug/problem

Steve Lidie sol0 at Lehigh.EDU
Mon Nov 15 06:15:33 PST 2004

On Nov 12, 2004, at 10:32 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Lidie Steve <sol0 at Lehigh.EDU>:
>>> Using the default sources.php, I can modify, say, the netcenter 
>>> example and use our LDAP server for address lookups.  That works 
>>> fine. But if I remove all the remaining examples I get this error 
>>> during a lookup:
>>>   There are no browseable address books.
> Set your ldap server to allow export/browse, then (in sources.php).

OK, worked, thanks.  But I do not understand why exporting is related 
to read-only searching of an LDAP DB.

BTW, is there code to convert these old MySQL table formats (IMP 3.1 / 
Turba 1.1) to the new (IMP 4 / Turba 2)?  Thanks.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_horde             |
| horde_categories            |
| horde_categories_categories |
| horde_prefs                 |
| horde_users                 |
| turba_objects               |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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