[imp] IMP4 RC2 and sendmail mail...

Scott Bye sbye at convergedservices.co.uk
Thu Nov 25 05:25:38 PST 2004



I currently run IMP3 and it's working fine, but I thought I'd take a
look at IMP4 - more out of curiosity than anything else. I've installed
Horde and IMP, and have come across a problem. It's on the system
co-existing with IMP3, so I don't suspect it to be a problem with
permissions or service configuration as such. When I compose a new
message in IMP and click send, it accepts and closes it. The mail shows
up in sent-mail. Unfortunately the mail is never actually sent. My
sendmail logs show no attempts at sending the mail, and the horde.log
records nothing either.


I'm using sendmail - this is from the horde conf.php:


[root at omegahost config]# cat conf.php|grep mailer

$conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';

$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';


The IMP servers.php has a single IMAP server listed in it.


Am I missing something silly here?






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