[imp] Accesskeys for actions in Compose window

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Dec 7 15:44:23 PST 2004

Zitat von Dan Brown <dan at familybrown.org>:

> I'm using the latest HEAD version of IMP/Horde.  I recall that at some point
> in the past, there were command-key equivalents for many (if not all) of the
> actions in the Compose window--Address Book, Expand Names, Spell Check, etc.
>  Recently, those seem to have disappeared.  I don't see anything else in
> this window that requres, say, Alt+E, so is there some other reason that
> these have gone away, or was it inadvertent?

This happened when these action buttons were no longer rendered as menu
items. A patch to re-enable the old access keys would be great.


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