[imp] weird login problem with IMP

Neal horde at justsuse.com
Thu Dec 16 22:44:45 PST 2004

Weirdness with logins. First time I login I see my email address in the 
upper left hand corner and in the right corner and the bottom of the 
screen, I see horde and logout. And just a blue field in the middle. Now I 
hit log out and try logging back in and using an incorrect password. I of 
course I see a message saying that I have used an incorrect password (good, 
that's what it should do!). Now I log back into IMP and use the correct 
password and now I can see my email. I now have all the correct buttons.

Now if I hit the horde button on the email page. I will have to re-do the 
steps above with the wrong password. Strange. Even stranger if I just 
log-out correctly I can now log back in correctly and it works.

I am using qpopper (uw-Imap is installed but for IMAP-it's a SUSE thing). 
SLES 9 with every thing installed that is needed to run horde. Apache 2 
everything is current.

Single sign-own through IMP.

I think that this might be a session thing but I do not know. I watch the 
mail logs when logging in and I can see access from the localhost for me to 

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