[imp] How do I reduce the headers?

Dan H dhammer at kdhtech.com
Fri Dec 17 13:17:44 PST 2004

For some reason I am getting alot of headers generated when I use IMP.

Received: from oneofmydomains.com (myotherdomain.com [209.67.xxx.xxx])by
spf2.us4.outblaze.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7E2EE5375Cfor
<nospam at nospam.com>; Fri, 17 Dec 2004 21:05:51 +0000 (GMT)

Received: from oneofmydomains.com (localhost.localdomain [])by
oneofmydomains.com (8.12.8/8.12.8) with ESMTP id iBHL9xeA019622for
<nospam at nospam.com>; Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:10:01 -0600

Received: (from nobody at localhost)by oneofmydomains.com (8.12.8/8.12.8/Submit) id
iBHL9rJd019620for nospam at nospam.com; Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:09:53 -0600

I didn't bother including the last Received line because i know its recording MY
ip address as where the email was sent from.  The rest of the Received lines
have to do with my mail system.  How can I keep localhost.localdomain from
showing in the logs?  Is that middle "Received" even necessary?  I assume in
the first "Received" that it references two domains because the first domain is
the one I used and the 2nd domain resolves to the primary IP address that the
NIC is on.  The domain that I am using is on a virtual adapter.

Is there a setting I need to change in IMP to make it handle sending differently
so the size of the headers is reduced?  Or is this a Sendmail problem?  Or is
this a prefectly normal, natural thing?

Thanks in advance,
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