[imp] Performace problems with new IMP

Steven Cardinal scardinal at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 4 14:21:03 PST 2005

I just setup the latest horde and Imp (as of 2 days
ago) on my Suse Linux 9.0 system and am having very
long delays connecting to my imap inbox, which resides
on an Exchange 5.5 box. Moving through other Horde
menus and tools is quite quick.

I have implemented the up-imapproxy and the phpa
extension. This brought refreshes of my inbox
(containing ~700 messages) from 28 seconds to 21
seconds - both of those numbers were quite consistent
through browser reloads, apache restarts and PC

I ended up intalling the earlier version of horde and
imp (2.2.7), and my inbox now displays in less than 4
seconds consistently.

I have read through the horde/docs/PERFORMANCE readme
(thus the proxy and the phpa) with little success.
Any suggestions?

I am still in the evaluation stage of IMP as a
replacement for OWA (our mail backend will move from
exchange to something else once we find something that
can handle outlook and shared calendars with Palm Treo
sync support). The server is dual cpu (2.4GHz) with
1Gb RAM.


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