[imp] Swedish chars in attachment in imp 4

Peter Andersson mailinglists at skolmail.finspong.se
Sat Jan 22 11:31:06 PST 2005


I feel kind of stupid asking this 'cause I'm sure this works well elsewhere, 
but I'm stuck and need help. 

Currently we have a IMP 4.0 CVS running in production (from about jan 2003). 
All pages are shown in ISO-8859-1 and when I click on attachments for download 
MSIE behaves fine (there are bugs in IMP for certain types, but filenames with 
åäö isn't a problem). 

Now I have installed a fresh IMP 4.0.1 (thanks for the app!) and it shows 
pages in UTF-8 by default. That is fine with me, but it seems to me as if MSIE 
cannot handle the attachments with åäö in filename. It seems like UTF-8 combos 
instead of the swedish char in filename. 
I tried the same files with Firefox, and it works well. 

Is this a MSIE bug, a IMP bug, or me beeing stupid somewhere?

Tried changing default locale for system, changed apaches default charset, but 
makes no difference (and shouldn't?).

Appreciate any help.


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