[imp] beating the dead "login twice" horse again!

Jason jason at monsterjam.org
Sun Jan 30 08:43:18 PST 2005

ok, I used to have the older versions of imp/horde/turba installed with the imap authentication and 
everything worked great.
Now, Ive upgraded to 
Horde: 3.0.2 and H3 (4.0.1)

and I cannot get into imp without logging in twice although my auth for horde is set to be my imap 
In the docs for imp, I clearly see

   b. Enable IMP authentication [OPTIONAL]

      If you would prefer that your users authenticate directly with IMP,
      without having to authenticate through Horde first, load the
      ``Administration/Configuration/Authentication`` page and from the ``What
      backend should we use for authenticating users to Horde`` pulldown menu
      select ``Let a Horde application handle authentication``.  (Please see
      the second note below.) Select ``imp`` from the ``The application which
      is providing authentication`` pulldown menu.

but I dont see this ``Administration/Configuration/Authentication`` page.
when I go to horde setup, I see
under administration- setup
		    - users
		    - groups
		    - etc...

so, further in the docs, I see
 Note:: If this is a new install, you will not be able to configure
                IMP using the Horde Administration/Configuration page if you
                first enabled IMP authentication for Horde.  You must set
                Horde to use another authentication method

so I do cp conf.php.dist conf.php in the horde/config dir
and I still dont see ``Administration/Configuration/Authentication``
is this supposed to be under the setup page for horde or imp? I dont see it under either.

please hit me with a cluestick. (or the exact url where Administration/Configuration/Authentication 
is supposed to be)


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