[imp] Have imp as default component as horde

Alan Kong kkkong at ee.cuhk.edu.hk
Mon Feb 7 00:25:46 PST 2005

Dear All,

I have the following config:
- ReadHat 9.0
- apache 2.0.49
- mysql 4.0.18
- horde 3.0.2
- imp H3 4.0.1
- kronolith h3.2.0.1
- nag 2.0.1
- turba 2.0

I wanted to start imp as : http://webmail.MYDOMAIN/
and followed suggestions at:

I edited the httpd.conf as follows:
    Alias /horde/ /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/
    Alias /imp/   /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde
    DocumentRoot  /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde
in horde/conf/regietry.php, webroot of compoents changed to:
     'webroot' => '/imp'  for imp
     'webroot' => '/imp'  for kronolith
     'webroot' => 'tuba' for turba

When I login, I was returned to the login page with the the left hand
column screen with error messages. Is this the correct config?

The following is related to other components and pls accept my apology
for sending to this list.

1) when I add attendees to meeting, it was reported free/busy URL not
avail. Pls advise on how to add the free/busy URL and its requirements;
2) does imp h3 4.0.1 support calender sharing? How could I do it?
2) on nag, there was options on setting permissions, pls advise on how
to use o the permisison features.

Thank you very much for your help.


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