[imp] Re: Requested message not found

Kevin imp at spambot.org
Thu Mar 17 21:45:32 PST 2005

FYI, since I pulled out the mysql sessionmanager in favor of the 
default php I haven't experienced
either problem.

Thanks for all the help!

Quoting Scott Geiger <scott at bcmediagroup.com>:

> With regard to the "cramming together" this is a known mozilla/firefox
> issue.  It has been fixed in the most recent CVS and will/should be
> released in the next firefox release.  It has been mentioned on this
> list quite often.
> Scott Geiger
> Quoting Kevin <imp at spambot.org>:
>> I moved the database back over to the near side of the VPN and that
>> seems to have alleviated the
>> "Requested message not found" error.  I ran a tcpdump of traffic to the
>> remote mysql server and see
>> a TON of PUSH packets.  Can you maybe attribute your intermittant
>> problems to latency?
>> The 'cramming together' is annoying and is still going on, however, it
>> does not affect access to any
>> of the emails in the list.
>> --
>> /kevin
>> Quoting Joaquim Homrighausen <joho at webbplatsen.se>:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I too have seen this; for a long time. But I haven't been able to figure
>>> out a pattern. It does happen more frequently right after switching
>>> folders. I've had situations where I've clicked on the most recent
>>> message (the same one) over 50 times and getting the same error message
>>> every time.
>>> I have also seen the message fields all crammed together without any
>>> spacing.
>>> I have no idea what to do about it.
>>> (we run HEAD* here most of the time)
>>> Kevin wrote:
>>>  > [..] we have begun getting "Requested message not found" errors
>>>  > when trying to read mail.  Specifically, I notice this happening
>>>  > when switching between folders and opening a message in the newly
>>>  > chosen foler.
>> --
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