[imp] Re: Extremely weird IMAP behaviour - IMP or c-client problem?

Eli eli-list at experthost.com
Mon Mar 21 13:09:01 PST 2005

I've done some further testing - this time running tcpdump to watch all
traffic going out to the IMAP server, and here's the kicker...

Whenever I get a login failure and IMP kicks me back to a login screen,
there is *NOTHING* happening by way of internet traffic!  I have confirmed
that it seems IMP doesn't know how to list folders for the SmartMax IMAP
daemon, but that aside, the login failures are even more baffling - there's
no telling when they will or won't happen (though much more often than not),
but when they do happen from a login attempt, there's no actual IMAP
connection even going out!

I've tried tweaking several different settings to do with caching and such
(I noticed that in firefox if I cleared all cookies, I would usually succeed
in an initial login attempt rather than fail, though not all the time) with
no real luck.

This problem just gets worse and worse as I try to troubleshoot it.


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