[imp] No folders except INBOX and Virtual Folders in sidebar/folder view

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Tue Mar 29 06:48:10 PST 2005

Running CVS HEAD, with IMP options set to expand the entire folder tree 
by default. Since a few days ago (just updated again to be certain), 
when I log in, only INBOX and Virtual Folders (with Virtual INBOX) are 
displayed in the sidebar and in the IMP folder view. If, in folder 
view, I click "Expand All", all of the folders are then displayed with 
corresponding message counts. Thereafter, when the sidebar updates, all 
folders with pending message counts are displayed.

Is anyone else seeing this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

Rick Emery

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth
with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
you will always long to return"
                                              -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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