[imp] Re: Guest access for IMP?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Apr 3 04:32:38 PDT 2005

Zitat von Christian Stadler <webmaster at ragnarokonline.de>:

> Kevin Myer schrieb:
>> Why not just set your authentication method to imp, set your initial
>> application
>> to imp, and then you get to http://www.example.com/horde/imp when 
>> you login to
>> horde?  Or are your Horde accounts different than your email accounts?
> Exactly thats the problem. And I don't want to mix them.

Then you *have* to login twice. Unless the users that have IMP access 
use the same credentials to login to Horde and IMP. Then you could use 
the hordeauth setting in imp/config/servers.php.


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