[imp] Re: Attachments are not displayed in the message view

Francois imp at javateria.net
Wed Apr 13 14:28:34 PDT 2005

Hi Jan,

Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortuanately, my website is 
virtually hosted by my provider together with many other websites on the 
same server. Therefore, he will certainly not agree to recompile PHP or 
upgrade c-client only because of my Horde/Imp problem for now :-(

Is there another solution to circumvent this problem of displaying the 
attachments without having to recompile PHP or upgrade c-client ?


Jan Schneider wrote:

>Zitat von Francois <imp at javateria.net>:
>>I just installed horde/imp on my website, and I have a problem for the
>>display of attachments. In the main mailbox.php view, a paper clip is
>>correctly displayed next to a message that contains attachments. But
>>when I click on one message, attachments do not show up in the
>>message.php view.... Can anyone help?
>Try to compile PHP with a newer c-client library.

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