[imp] Corportive mailboxes

fabricio fabricio at tc.df.gov.br
Sun Apr 17 07:57:36 PDT 2005

Hello List,

I ask this same question every new avaliable IMP release.

I would like to implement the corporative mailbox concept found in MS Exchange
using Horde plataform.

That would be a mailbox not representing a person itself, but a department on a
company. The mail system admistrator should have the ability to assign such
corporative mailbox do one exiting user of the mail system. This user should be
able to:
1. receive messages sent to the corporative mailbox; &
2. send messages impersonating that particular department (the sender address
should be the corporative mailbox).

I realise IMP 4.x has added some provision in this direction. Nevertheless, I do
not know if it is possible, using IMP, to have a neat solution to this

One possible solution, which I do not consider neat, is to create a
username&password able to manipulate the corporative mailbox and tell the
manager of the department this username&password. Over the time, someone else
may become the manager of that department and that would be a concern. And
there would be ever the possibility of such username&password leak to the

Has anyone found another solution to this problem?

O top of that I would like to ask if courrier-imap server would fit in this

Best regards,


                     Fabricio Bianco Abreu
          Núcleo de Informática e Processamento de Dados
                   Tel 55 - 61 - 314 2236
                   Fax 55 - 61 - 314 2268
Utilize software livre (visite http://www.tc.df.gov.br/tcbrasil)

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