[imp] mailbox list won't show messages when certain headers are present

Demetrios J Tsillas jtsillas at appledor.net
Thu May 5 08:35:10 PDT 2005

When I receive certain messages the mailbox (inbox) list won't display the list
of messages if these messages are in that page. This also applies to other
folders, if I move the message to a different folder. I can skip the page and
other pages display the messages just fine. It's only the page which has the
troublesome message that won't display.

Here is the header of an example message which causes the problem:

Return-Path: <owner-dspam-users at lists.nuclearelephant.com>
X-Original-To: jtsillas at appledor.net
Delivered-To: jtsillas at appledor.net
Received: from gw.appledor.net (localhost [])
     by gw.appledor.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id DFBFC2FEF7
     for <jtsillas at appledor.net>; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:02:25 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by gw.appledor.net (Postfix, from userid 1003)
     id C05C22FEFF; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:02:25 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from smtp.nuclearelephant.com (unknown [])
     by gw.appledor.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9E0332FEF7
     for <jtsillas at appledor.net>; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:02:19 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by smtp.nuclearelephant.com (Postfix)
     id 887E22CBB5; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:08:18 -0400 (EDT)
Delivered-To: dspam-users-list at lists.nuclearelephant.com
Received: by smtp.nuclearelephant.com (Postfix, from userid 129)
     id 813632CBBD; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:08:18 -0400 (EDT)
X-Original-To: dspam-users at lists.nuclearelephant.com
Delivered-To: dspam-users at lists.nuclearelephant.com
Received: from mail2k.k-kdom.nishanet.com (k-kdom.nishanet.com [])
     by smtp.nuclearelephant.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2695A2CBB5
     for <dspam-users at lists.nuclearelephant.com>; Wed, 4 May 2005 00:08:18 -0400
Received: from [] (unverified []) by
     (Vircom SMTPRS 5.3.232) with ESMTP id
<B0004701033 at mail2k.k-kdom.nishanet.com>;
     Wed, 4 May 2005 00:04:03 -0400
Message-ID: <42783F7D.3010602 at nishanet.com>
Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 23:20:29 -0400
From: Bob <recbo at nishanet.com>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20050114)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Re: [dspam-users] think about white list & storage profile
References: <46a7a79c0f5caf730ada50e6a62e0b5d at mail.ing.unibo.it>
In-Reply-To: <46a7a79c0f5caf730ada50e6a62e0b5d at mail.ing.unibo.it>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Sender: owner-dspam-users at lists.nuclearelephant.com
List-Id: dspam-users
X-DSPAM-Result: Whitelisted
X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.9997
X-DSPAM-Probability: 0.0000
X-DSPAM-Signature: 4278495159261583378239
X-AV-Checked: ClamAV using ClamSMTP

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