[imp] "Your session will expire in 5 minutes..."

liam hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Mon May 16 09:27:34 PDT 2005

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting liam hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:
>> Did the session expiry check get carried forward into IMP 4.x?  I see some
>> mention of it in the foreign language .po files, but not in
>> po/imp.pot.. and I
>> can't find mention of it in the code (grepping for timeout / expire).
> It was replaced with the recompose.php functionality - you can log in
> again and resume composition now.

We got mail from a user last night who said he'd spent 4 hours composing a
message and lost it when he tried to send it, w/o message about sessions
expiring or anything.

We're using a webiso for authentication and a modified version of the Horde
"auto" authenticator to do logins for horde / imp.  (Chuck has a little
expirience with our environment).. what settings should I be looking at to
limit this behavior?


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