[imp] Problem with file size

Stefan Sabolowitsch Stefan.Sabolowitsch at feltengmbh.de
Thu May 19 07:04:25 PDT 2005

Hi List

I have here following:

As soon as I files those are larger than 2MB to send wants,
i get the following error message (squid internal).

The following error was encountered: 
*	Write Error 
The system returned: 
    (32) Broken pipe
An error condition occurred while writing to the network. Please retry your

This applies to version 3.2.x and 4.x
OS = RHEL 3 Clone with php 4.3.2


memory_limit = 64M 
post_max_size = 64M 
upload_max_filesize = 64M

Possibly an idea?



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