[imp] Empty mail

Pallos B. Richard richard.pallos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 15:26:40 PDT 2005


I got problem with two recently got mails: one with a fowarded zip 
attachment and one with a mime encoded html message.

For both messages IMP thinks that they are empty mails. I got these:
- "There was no text in this message part" for the mail containing the zip
- "There are no alternative parts that can be displayed inline." for the 
mail with HTML

Tried IMP-4.0.2 with Horde-3.0.3 and IMP-3.2.2 with Horde-2.2.4. Got 
this result:
-IMP4 & HTML msg: empty mail
-IMP3 & HTML msg: link in the "parts" field, can be opened in a new window

IMP4/IMP3 &  zip msg: empty mail, the attachment cannot be seen at all

Strange that for these messages IMP shows an attachment icon in the 
mailbox view and the correct mailsize.
The attachments can be seen with e.g. Mozilla IMAP client.

Any ideas? Thanks,

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