[imp] IMP v4.0.3 left-frame scrolling issue

Aaron Paetznick aaronp at critd.com
Mon Jun 13 02:32:07 PDT 2005

I'm pretty sure this is a known browser limitation, but I wanted to ask 
and be sure.  The menu-frame on the left in IMP will sometimes become 
too wide to fit in 150 pixels, and the frame gets clipped off.  This 
happens when displaying IMAP folders with long names, for example.

I know the frame will scroll vertically when needed, but not 
horizontally.  I know I can statically configure the frame to be more 
than 150 pixels, but I'd prefer it to either 1) be able to scroll 
horizontally, or 2) be able to be manually resized when needed.

Is this possible?  Thanks.


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