[imp] Load my personnal certificate into imp

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jul 27 01:34:15 PDT 2005

Zitat von "Karl.Oulmi" <karl.oulmi at ibl.fr>:

> Hi,
> I'm using the lastest stable version of horde/imp. All is running ok 
> except if I try to load my personnal certificate (public and private 
> key) into IMP in order to sign my messages.
> When I try to load my certificate (exported from Thunderbird in .p12 
> format) IMP tells me "Password incorrect". I'm absoluty sure that I

And did IMP actually request the password? If not, stop blocking popups 
for your IMP site.

> make not mistake about my Private key Password (as the fact I can 
> re-import it into thunderbird...).


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