[imp] Dynamically sized form elements for IMP's compose screen

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Wed Aug 10 14:49:03 PDT 2005

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> This is possible with an "onkeypress" event handler setting the field
> size dynamically. But that won't help, because soon the field would
> extend the compose screen, any you have to scroll again.

I'm not sure I quite follow this.  Does this extend the field to the right, or
would it wrap the text after N number of characters?  If the latter, 
that would
be exactly what I want.  If a message has lots of addresses, its ok to have to
scroll to get to the actual Text field for typing in a message.  But if you
mean that it would extend to the right, then yes, you'd run out of space again
in rather short order.

I just think its far from ideal having a fixed width form field that 
will accept
hundreds or thousands of characters, but only display 55.


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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