[imp] New imp installation problem

Sameer N Ingole strike at proscrutiny.com
Wed Oct 5 22:45:01 PDT 2005

Hi All,

I have installed Horde and imp (imp-h3-4.0.3).
I am using imp on IMAP.

I have few problems (probably configuration glitches).

1. Whenever a user logs into his mail account he sees "Last login: Never".
2. Folders disappear if user create them and logout and then relogin.
3. Mails disappear if a user tries to move them to some folder. As I said
in point 2, since folder disappear, mails also can't be seen as a 

Folder creation problem leads to some other problems as well, such as:

    While compose, If I try to save as draft error is reported as:
    The folder "drafts" was not created. This is what the server said:
    Invalid mailbox name.
    There was an error saving this message as a draft.

    If a mail is sent with ‘Save a copy in "sent-mail’ option ticked
    following error is reported:
    The folder "sent-mail" was not created. This is what the server
    said: Invalid mailbox name.
    Message sent successfully, but not saved to sent-mail

Any help, pointers to documentation
(other than on 
are appreciated.

Thank you.


Sameer N. Ingole

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