[imp] Notice new email received

Joseph Brennan brennan at columbia.edu
Mon Nov 7 05:49:40 PST 2005

--On Friday, November 4, 2005 18:17 +0100 Miguel Angel 
<miguel_angel at mad.politours.es> wrote:

> ok Thanks to all
> I am going to search a program.
> regards
> Miguel
> "Kevin M. Myer" <kevin_myer at iu13.org> escribiÛ en el mensaje
> news:20051104120516.tcnkttj1848c88oc at webapps.iu13.org...
>> As noted, you can't easily do this with a web application.  However,
>> you could install any of a number of freeware programs that are
>> available, that would place an icon in your system tray when new mail
>> is detected.  There's nothing stopping you from using another piece of
>> software to get this functionality and Google can help you find
>> available software to do this..

Note that some servers in some configurations do not like two things
opening Inbox at the same time.  For example: U Wash imap using the
traditional mbox format.  In those cases, when the checker app runs
imap or pop to see whether there is new mail, that can kill the imap
session you're using to read mail.

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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