[imp] Attachment download problems in IMP-4.0.4 and Horde-3.0.6

John Wiggins wiggins at genomics.princeton.edu
Mon Nov 21 08:24:14 PST 2005

Okay, I found out what the problem was. The appropriate magic file for 
MIME types
on RedHat EL is in /usr/share/magic.mime   I was pointing to the wrong 
magic file.


John Wiggins wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm going a little crazy trying to figure this out. When users click
>on the attachment download button in IMP, the attachment is displayed
>as binary data in the message frame, not downloaded.
>Users can view viewable attachments just fine (excel, word, etc, using
>Here is my environment:
>browsers: All, any
>RedHat EL 4.0 i386
>Apache 2.0.52
>php 4.3.9
>IMP 4.0.4
>Horde 3.0.6
>If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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