[imp] Can't upload attachments

Daniel A. Ramaley daniel.ramaley at DRAKE.EDU
Tue Dec 13 13:28:21 PST 2005

On Friday 09 December 2005 13:18, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
>Hello. I am running Horde 3.0.7 with Imp 4.0.4 on a Linux server with
>Apache 2.0.52 and PHP 4.3.9. I can send messages just fine, except if
> i try to include an attachment. To attach a file, i scroll to the
> bottom of the compose page, hit "Browse...", select a file from the
> open dialog, then hit "Attach" back in the compose page. With Firefox
> (on either Windows or Linux), hitting Attach does nothing. With
> Internet Explorer on Windows when i hit Attach, the status bar
> displays "Error on page." (but doesn't say what the error is). Any
> ideas? I'm not using a proxy that modifies content, and javascript is
> enabled in the browsers that i've tested.
>In my php.ini the following relevant values are set:
>    file_uploads = On
>    upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp
>    upload_max_filesize = 5M
>    post_max_size = 8M
>The file i'm attempting to upload is about 300kB, so it shouldn't be
>even close to hitting the limits. Based on Internet Explorer's
> message, i'm guessing it is a javascript problem. Are there any known
> javascript errors with file uploads?

I have some more information to add regarding this problem. I opened the 
JavaScript Console (in Firefox) and then tried adding an attachment 
again. An error is recorded in the Console when i hit attach:

  Error: document.compose.submitBtn2 has no properties
  Source File: http://sun12.drake.edu/imp/compose.php?thismailbox=INBOX
  Line: 132

Line 132 is the submitBtn2 line in this function:

function uniqSubmit()
    now = new Date();
    document.compose.submitBtn1.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn2.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn3.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn4.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn5.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn6.disabled = true;
    document.compose.submitBtn7.disabled = true;
    if (document.compose.style && document.compose.style.cursor) {
        document.compose.style.cursor = "wait";

I don't know exactly what this is supposed to do since i've not worked 
with JavaScript before. Would it be safe just to remove the offending 
line? Or are there any other suggestions on how to fix the problem?

I'm not very familiar with Internet Explorer, but did find a more 
detailed error on the page. Internet Explorer's version of the error 

Line: 141
Char: 5
Error: 'document.compose.submitBtn2' is null or not an object
Code: 0
URL: http://sun12.drake.edu/imp/compose.php?thismailbox=INBOX

I'm not sure why the line number is so different, but viewing source and 
going to line 141 shows it to be the same line in uniqSubmit that 
Firefox choked on.

A few searches of the page source for "submitBtn#" (where # is a digit 
1-7) indicate that submitBtn2 and submitBtn5 each only occur once in 
the source, both in the uniqSubmit function. The other submitBtn# occur 
twice each, once in uniqSubmit and once elsewhere. Are submitBtn2 and 
submitBtn5 supposed to occur elsewhere in the source? What would cause 
them to be removed?

Dan Ramaley
Network Programmer/Analyst
(515) 271-4540
Dial Center 118, Drake University

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